Header (770)-809-1459
711 Canton Rd NE
Suite 400

Marietta, Georgia 30060


Atlanta Plastic Surgery Body Contouring Procedures

DR. THOMAS LINTNER: As far as body contouring goes, we look at several different options and we try to fix only what’s broken so to speak.  If you’re only fat and you have good quality skin and great muscles, you don’t need those fixed and so we tell a patient they might be better with liposuction.  The advantages are small incisions and short downtime.

In patients who are going to end up with redundant skin, we move into the skin removal operations and that runs from a panniculectomy to a tummy tuck.  The different is that in a panniculectomy you’re removing skin and fat only and in a tummy tuck, you’re removing skin, fat and then tightening the muscles.  Subsequently, the recovery time is a lot longer for muscle tightening.  We find that many of our patients don’t need a full tummy tuck, they need a less procedure which means lesser pain, lesser recovery and lesser costs substantially.

Most plastic surgeons look at only two options, liposuction and tummy tuck, we run the gamut for patients, we individualize the care so they get a better result and only the result they need.
[flv:http://www.tomlintnermd.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/flv/c5_v4.flv 480 270]

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