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711 Canton Rd NE
Suite 400

Marietta, Georgia 30060


Choosing Implant Size Breast Augmentation Surgery Atlanta Georgia

DR. THOMAS LINTNER: We strongly urge patients to think a lot about size as we size you by height, weight, chest width, chest height. We size you in the office with a bra on. You’ll try different sizes and you narrow the range of implants we use on you. And the last way we tend to size patients is with pictures, it’s nice to know that we’re both on the same page. If a B to me is a B to you, that’s good. But if you think a B is really a C plus, then we’re not going to be on the same page. So we usually use pictures a lot to determine what size breasts you want to have.
[flv:http://www.tomlintnermd.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/flv/c4_v2.flv 480 270]

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